مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /The role of Grit and Language ...
عنوان The role of Grit and Language Mindset in EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate: A study of public schools vs. private language institute
نوع پژوهش پایان نامه
کلیدواژه‌ها EFL Learner, Grit, Mindset, Private Institute, Public School, Willingness to Communicate (WTC)
چکیده The main objective of this study was twofold. The primary goal of the study was to explore the difference between the EFL learners’ level of willingness to communicate (WTC) in Iranian private English institutes and public schools, and to examine the extent to which the learners’ grit and mindset can predict their WTC in these two settings. The secondary goal of the study was to explore the learners’ perceptions toward the role of their grit and mindset in determining their WTC in English. To achieve the primary goal of the study, a quantitative approach was adopted through which 173 EFL learners out of 300 ones in A1 and A2 proficiency levels were selected from the private institutes (n = 95) and public schools (n= 78) in Babolsar and Sari via convenient sampling based on their scores on Quick Oxford Placement Test (QOPT). Having been informed about the purpose of the study, they filled an L2 grit questionnaire, language mindset questionnaire and WTC questionnaire whose data were first analyzed using reliability and SEM analysis to well identify the items contributing to these variables in this study. Having removed the malfunctioning items, the rest were included in further inferential analysis including independent samples t-test and multiple linear regression analysis to answer the research questions. It was revealed that within public school context, the learners’ perseverance of effort (POE) and their fixed mindset contribute to their WTC, whereas POE is the sole predictor of learners’ WTC in private institute context. The findings were, to a great extent, in line with the previous research attempts conducted within the field. To achieve the secondary goal of the study, a qualitative approach was adopted, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten volunteering learners from private institutes (n = 5) and public schools (n = 5). Using content analysis to analyze the recorded data, it was shown that a number of factors such as preparation for university entrance exam, tendency toward communicating with foreigners and using media, and compensating parental and family support shape the role the learners’ grit has in determining their WTC level. As far as their fixed mindset is concerned, lack of proper resources in educational settings and learning environmental factors play main roles.
پژوهشگران فاطمه خونمری (استاد مشاور)، زهرا احمد پور کاسگری (استاد راهنما)، اتنا محمدحسینی (دانشجو)