مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Clarifying and Modeling the ...
عنوان Clarifying and Modeling the Association Between Internal Marketing, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in The Hotel Sector in Iraq
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Internal marketing, Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Hotel sector, Iraq
چکیده The current research is interested in studying the nature of the relationship between the study variables (internal marketing, service quality, and customer satisfaction) in terms of correlation and influence. The research was applied in terms of the qualitative aspect (interviews) and the quantitative aspect (questionnaire form) in the hotel sector in Iraq / the city of Karbala. The research sample targeted a different group of managers working in 14 hotels in the city of Karbala. The quest to obtain answers to the research tool is a questionnaire in order to find out Their opinions on the research topics, as the number of questionnaires distributed was 70. The answers were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS and the SmartPLS to determine the nature of the relationship and influence between the variables. The statistical analysis led to the research accepting the hypotheses that support the nature of the relationships between the research variables. In addition, the research was interested in providing a set of recommendations that emphasize the importance of research variables and serve the field aspect of hotels.
پژوهشگران مرتضی موقر (نفر چهارم)، محمود یحیی زاده فر (نفر سوم)، محمد صفری (نفر دوم)، منتظر شمران (نفر اول)