مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /exploring Less and More ...
عنوان exploring Less and More Experienced Teachers' Perceptions of Assessment Literacy in Designing Language Tests: A Focus on Reformed Assessment
نوع پژوهش پایان نامه
کلیدواژه‌ها Sociocultural Perspectives-Reformed Assessment Policies-Language Assessment Literacy-Assessment need
چکیده The main problem in the Iranian EFL context is teachers’ inadequate knowledge of Assessment literacy and reformed assessment policies’ objectives (Razavipour&Rezagah2018). So, they may not be able to design a proper test that can investigate students' communicative skills. This study is an attempt to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ knowledge of assessment literacy and reformed assessment policy. In addition, it aims to identify how this knowledge influences their test design. To achieve these objectives a comparative study was conducted by comparing two groups of Iranian EFL teachers. One group was more experienced teachers having more than five years’ experiences of teaching and the other group was less experienced teachers having less than 5-year experiences of teaching. A total of 100 EFL teachers participated in this study ، 63more Experienced teachers and 37 less experienced teachers. An adaptive online questionnaire and interview were utilized as instruments of the study. In the initial step, the researcher developed the questionnaires and sent a request on Telegram and WhatsApp for the EFL teachers. After that, the researcher selected 10 of them randomly and asked them to design a test for intermediate-level students. An interview was conducted as the last step of the research. Results revealed that although there was no significant difference between less and more experienced teachers, less experienced teachers were more aware of the necessity of practicing a variety of assessment methods, concentrating on the link between the productive and receptive skills, and the necessity of being familiar with learning theories. On the other hand, more experienced teachers were more familiar with the necessity of monitoring students’ progress and the teachers’ mastery over the material based on which the tests are developed. According to the results, no significant difference was found in general between less experienced and more experienced English teachers' perceptions of assessment literacy and their teaching experiences. The results also showed that teaching experience could not be linked with the views of English teachers on literacy assessment.
پژوهشگران محمود دهقان (استاد راهنما)، شیرین آبادی خواه (استاد مشاور)، فائزه اسدی (دانشجو)