Despite many advances in the electronics industry, much effort is being made to improve existing technologies. One of the proposed technologies in this field is the Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA), which provides low power, low area, high density, and high-speed structures. Latches and flip-flops are always the most commonly used circuits in digital design, and designing these structures with greater stability and capability is very important. In this paper, with the use of the appropriate D latch in terms of volume and delay, the edge sensitive D flipflops in the QCA technology are introduced with the ability of set and reset based on optimized multiplexer design. The simulation results show that the proposed designs are stable and useful structures in terms of area, delay and complexity and are suitable for use in the larger circuits. For example proposed synchronous rising edge D flip-flop with set and reset pins has 74 quantum cells, 2.5 clock cycles delay and 0.09μm2 occupied area.