مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Analysis of Burnout level of ...
عنوان Analysis of Burnout level of EFL teachers regarding demographic features
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Burnout; EFL Teachers; Demographic Features
چکیده This study aimed to investigate Iranian English teachers’ burnout with reference to demographic features of age, major, level of education, hours of teaching, years of teaching and hours of passing teacher education courses which contribute to their burnout and make them more susceptible to the syndrome. To achieve this aim, the validated Persian translations of the “Maslach Burnout Inventory” and “General Information Form” were administered to 120 English Language Institute teachers from multiple language institutes in Mazandaran province. The data were analyzed via two-way ANOVA tests, and Pearson moment correlation. The reason for using ANOVA is that we have more than two independent variables and also the relation between the variables is reported through Pearson moment correlation. The results of the study showed that reduced personal accomplishment was the facet of burnout, which appeared in teachers more than other facets. Level of education and major were significantly related to burnout. Moreover, the findings show that emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and age, years of teaching and hours of teaching did not contribute to the EFL teacher burnout. There was also strong positive correlation between age, years of teaching and hours of teaching and personal accomplishments. Among all the strong relations, personal accomplishments and age were related positively. The findings of this study might help administrators and policymakers consider such demographic factors and review their decision about the quality of education.
پژوهشگران حسین بزرگیان (نفر اول)، میلاده علی نژاد (نفر دوم)