مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Impact of meditation-yoga ...
عنوان Impact of meditation-yoga exercises on increasing the self-confidence of married women
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها meditation-yoga exercises, self-confidence, women
چکیده This article is conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of meditation-yoga exercises on increasing the self-confidence of married women in Amol. This semi-practical research is a kind of pre-test post-test with control group. The statistical population in this research are married women living in Amol who had been chosen randomly from the meditation- Yoga institutions. At the start of the period 50 married women had been chosen (25 of them as control and 25 of them as trial groups), then the personal information and self-confidence questioners were provided for them. The instruments used in this research include self-confidence questionnaire by Cowper Smith. Variance analysis with frequent measurements was used to analyze data. The results showed that meditation-yoga exercises were effective on increasing the self-confidence of married women in Amol.
پژوهشگران ارسلان خانمحمدی (نفر سوم)، حبیب اله نادری (نفر دوم)، پریسا قانع (نفر اول)