Pareto-optimal solutions in multi-objective linear programming with fuzzy numbers
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپ شده
Fuzzy linear programming, Multi-objective linear programming, Pareto- optimal solution, Ranking function, Supply chain, Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
Supply chain has attracted many interests in operations research area. The supplier selection problem is one of the most interest- ing problem in supply chain subject and its solution process is related to a multi-objective programming model. In this paper, we consider a Multi- Objective Linear Programming with Fuzzy Numbers (FNMOLP) problem. In fact, we try to reduce the multi-objective linear programming with fuzzy numbers to the classical multi-objective linear programming using a lin- ear ranking function. Finally we solve the obtained Multi-Objective Linear Programming (MOLP) by max-min operator and weighted method. We ¯- nally illustrate the mentioned approach with presenting a case study which is formulated from an automobile industrial.
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