مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Dependence of thermal ...
عنوان Dependence of thermal diffusion factor of binary mixtures to the thermodynamic state by NEMD simulation
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics; Thermal diffusion; Temperature; Lennard–Jones; Nebel gases; Mixtures
چکیده In this paper, we investigate the dependence of thermal diffusion factor and thermal conductivity to the temperature, density and mole fraction in Lennard–Jones binary mixtures of isotopes, noble gases and SF6–noble gases by non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. The results for the isotopic mixtures indicated that the density has a crucial effect on the dependence of thermal diffusion factor on the temperature. For isotope system at low density, thermal diffusion factor increased with temperature then remains constant at higher temperatures and the slope of thermal diffusion factor vs. temperature is positive while at higher density, thermal diffusion factor decreased with temperature and then fluctuate. For noble gas mixtures, thermal diffusion factor reduces with increasing of temperature and remain constant at high temperatures. For SF6–Ar system, thermal diffusion factor has a negative slope and reduced with increasing of temperature, but remain nearly constant at high temperatures. For Xe–SF6 thermal diffusion factor changed sign and the slope of thermal diffusion factor vs. temperature was negative. The results also show that thermal conductivity increases with temperature for all systems. The dependence of thermal diffusion factor to mole fraction of heavier component also investigated. The inverse of thermal diffusion factor versus mole fraction of heavier component is linear for isotope mixtures at thermodynamic conditions: (a) Low temperature, large mass ratio and all densities. (b) High temperature, large mass ratio and low densities. For Ne–Kr mixture, the inverse of thermal diffusion factor shows a linear dependence to the mole fraction of heavier component in moderate temperatures and all densities. For SF6–Ar and Xe–SF6 mixtures, the inverse of thermal diffusion factor has linear behaviour at moderate temperatures and low density and high temperature and low density, respectively.
پژوهشگران مسعود درویش گنجی (نفر دوم)، سعید یگانگی (نفر اول)