Phe nol-based acy clic ligand 1,6-bis(2-chlorobenzyl)-2,5-bis(2-hydroxy-3-formyl-5- methylbenzyl)- 2,5- diazahexane, LH2 and its dilithium form Li2L pos sess ing two dis sim i lar com part ments hav ing multi - functional groups were pre pared through a Mannich re ac tion. To syn the size this ligand first, diamine com - pound 1,6-bis(2-chlorobenzyl)-2,5-diazahexane was pre pared and then in a one-step pro ce dure an equiv a lent of diamine and two equiv a lents of 4-methyl-2-formylphenol in the pres ence of an ex cess amount para - formaldehyde were re acted. All char ac ter iza tion data for the new com pounds in clud ing diimine, diamine, LH2 and Li2L are re ported.