مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /The Effect of Metacognitive ...
عنوان The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy Training on Reading Comprehension among the Iraqi Female Students
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها metacognition, strategy training, reading comprehension
چکیده The educational process and reading comprehension are both significantly influenced by metacognitive reading strategy awareness. Despite its significance, the ability to use metacognitive strategies in learning, teaching, and evaluation of the English language has long been disregarded. The importance of reading comprehension to academic performance exacerbates this lack of effective metacognitive reading strategy skills. The development of metacognitive reading strategy abilities is one way to address the issue of poor reading comprehension. In language learning and instruction, emphasis must be placed on the capacity to apply metacognitive reading strategies. The goal of the current research is to pinpoint the metacognitive strategy training variables that affect the reading comprehension of Iraqi female students. Additionally, it makes an effort to investigate how metacognitive strategy training affects the reading comprehension of Iraqi female students. This research has been conducted based on the quantitative approach through a quasi-experimental design to achieve the objectives. A total of 50 useable questionnaires were collected from Iraqi universities using purposive sampling technique. The quantitative data was analysed through SPSS 25 software. The findings showed that metacognitive Knowledge and use of strategies, are the important factors to enhance their reading comprehension performance, but not planning and management. The ultimate goal of educators is to enable students to be aware of these new technological tools for comprehension reading. This will also enable them to overcome the learning challenges of …
پژوهشگران فاطمه خونمری (نفر سوم)، امجد بشار (نفر دوم)، زینا کریم عبد علی (نفر اول)