مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Preparation of New ...
عنوان Preparation of New Phenol-based Acyclic Ligands with Double Set of Coordination Sites
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها compartmental ligand, Catalysis, Phenol-based ligand
چکیده A convenient four-step preparation of the two compartmental ligands 1,6-bis(2-pyridyl)- 2,5-bis(2-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-5-chlorobenzyl)-2,5-diazahexane 3a and 1,7-bis (2-pyridyl)-2,6-bis(2-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-5-chlorobenzyl)-2,6-diazaheptane 3b starting from 4-chlorophenol 4 is reported. Compound 4 was converted to triol 5 which was then protected to 2,2-dimethyl-6-chloro-8-(hydroxymethyl)benzo-1,3-dioxin 6with 2-methoxy propene. Compound 6 was chlorinated to 2,2-dimethyl-6-chloro-8-(chloromethyl) benzo-1,3-dioxin 7 and then reacted with 1,6-bis(2-pyridyl)-2,5-diazahexane or 1,7-bis(2-pyridyl)-2,6-diazaheptane in the presence of Na2CO3 in dioxane. Subsequent acid hydrolysis gave 3a and 3b, respectively. The total yields were 38%.
پژوهشگران حمید گلچوبیان (نفر دوم)، عظیم غفاری نیا (نفر اول)