2024 : 6 : 16

Fatemeh Khonamri

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Department of literature
Phone: 9111188527


The Interrelation Between Advancement of Technology and Learning English as a Globalized Language From Iranian Students’ Perspective
Advancement of Technologyو Learning English as a Globalized Language وStudents’ Perspective
Researchers Fatemeh Khonamri


This study re-introduces the terms ICT and globalization in an Iranian context to confirm and answer whether the advancement of technology has changed Iranian students’ view on the need for learning English as a globalized language. To this end,132 university students volunteered to answer a questionnaire and subsequently 10 university students participated in a focus group interview. The questionnaire was distributed online and the interview was conducted in person. Questionnaire data was then analyzed through t-test analysis with SPSS software and the data for interview was analyzed with the help of MAXQDA software. the results indicated that, in an Iranian context, with the advancement of technology and the use of different ICT tools have been effective. Iranian students have been able to facilitate their learning abilities and were able to use ICTs as a means to increase their learning capabilities in a more relaxing environment. Additionally, availability of numerous materials and the chance to being in touch with English native speakers of their target language was another point od advantage.