2024 : 10 : 22
Ali Taghavi

Ali Taghavi

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Address: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Phone: 01135302460


  • MSc. in Mathematical Analysis , University of Tabriz , Iran (1984 - 1986)
    Thesis title:
  • PhD. in Mathematical Analysis , Tarbiat Modares University , Iran (1995 - 1999)
    Thesis title:


Research activities

Journal Papers
Maps Preserving Product A*B+BA* on C*-Algebras Hasan Zakeri, Ali Taghavi, Ghasem Mahdavi (2023)
Maps Preserving Product A*B+B*A on C*-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Saeed Gholampour (2022)
Maps preserving triple product on Rings Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2021)
Maps Preserving Strong Products Ensiyeh Tavakoli, Ali Taghavi (2021)
Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities For Operator Geometrically Convex Functions II Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Tahere Azimi Roushan (2021)
Additivity of Maps Preserving Triple Product on *-Ring Ali Taghavi, Mehran Razeghi, Mojtaba Nouri, C Li (2021)
Ordered Hypervector Spaces Ghasem Mahdavi, Abolfazl Behzadi, Ali Taghavi (2020)
Additive Maps Preserving the Essential Points Between Weak Hypervector Spaces Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, Azam Maghsoomi (2020)
Maps Preserving The Square Zero of η-Lie Product of Operators Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, Masoomeh Yousefi (2020)
Nonlinear ∗-Jordan Triple Derivation on Prime ∗-Algebras vahid Darvish, Mojtaba Nouri, Mehran Razeghi, Ali Taghavi (2020)
Nonlinear *-Lie n-Tuple Derivations on Prime *-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Mehran Razeghi, vahid Darvish (2020)
Some Upper Bounds For The Berezin Number of Hilbert Space Operators Ali Taghavi, Tahere Azimi Roushan, vahid Darvish (2019)
Maps Preserving a Certain Product of Operators Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, Efat Nasrollahi (2019)
A Note on Non-Linear *-Jordan Derivations on *-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Mojtaba Nouri, Mehran Razeghi, vahid Darvish (2019)
Maps Preserving Jordan and *-Jordan Triple Product on Operator *-Algebras vahid Darvish, Mojtaba Nouri, Mehran Razeghi, Ali Taghavi (2019)
Continuous Maps Preserving Jordan Triple Products From Un to Dm Ali Taghavi, Seyed Sadegh Salehi Amiri (2019)
Maps Preserving Triple Product A*B + BA* on *-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Mehran Razeghi, Mojtaba Nouri, vahid Darvish (2019)
Some Quantum f-Divergence Inequalities For Convex Functions of Self-Adjoint Operators Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Haji Mohammad Nazari, SS Dragomir (2019)
Non-Linear λ-Jordan Triple *-Derivation on Prime *-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Mojtaba Nouri, Mehran Razeghi, vahid Darvish (2018)
A Characterization of an Isomorphism Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, Efat Nasrollahi (2018)
A Note on Strong (Skew) η-Lie Products Preserving Maps on Some Algebras Ali Taghavi, Farzaneh Kolivand, Ensiyeh Tavakoli (2018)
Some Reverse Inequalities on Hyperinner Product Spaces Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Haji Mohammad Nazari (2017)
Some Inequalities Associated With The Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities For Operator H-convex Functions vahid Darvish, SS Dragomir, Haji Mohammad Nazari, Ali Taghavi (2017)
Continuous Maps Preserving Jordan Triple Products From GLn(C) Into C* Ali Taghavi, Seyed Sadegh Salehi Amiri (2017)
A Note on Strong η-Lie Products Preserving Maps on Some Algebras Ali Taghavi, Farzaneh Kolivand, Hamid Rohi (2017)
Some Singular Value and Unitarily Invariant Norm Inequalities For Hilbert Space Operators Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Haji Mohammad Nazari, SS Dragomir (2017)
Maps Preserving Strong 2-Jordan Product on Some Algebras Ali Taghavi, Farzaneh Kolivand (2017)
Maps Preserving η-Product A*B+ ηBA* on C*-Algebras vahid Darvish, Haji Mohammad Nazari, Hamid Rohi, Ali Taghavi (2017)
Additivity of Maps Preserving Products AP±PA* on C*-Algebras Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Hamid Rohi (2017)
A stable numerical scheme for a time fractional inverse parabolic equation Ali Taghavi, Afshin Babaei, Alireza Mohammadpour (2016)
Gelfand Theorem for Banach Hyperalgebras Rohollah Parvinianzadeh, Ali Taghavi (2016)
Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for Operator Geometrically Convex Functions Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Haji Mohammad Nazari, SS Dragomir (2016)
Maps Preserving the Fixed Points of Triple Jordan Products of Operators Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, vahid Darvish (2016)
Some Reverse Inequalities for Matrices on Indefinite Inner Product Spaces Ali Taghavi, Haji Mohammad Nazari, vahid Darvish (2016)
The Spectrum in Banach Hyperalgebras Ali Taghavi, Rohollah Parvinianzadeh (2016)
Some Fixed Points Preserver Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2016)
Some Hermite-Hadamard Type Integral Inequalities for Operator AG-preinvex Functions Ali Taghavi, Haji Mohammad Nazari, vahid Darvish (2016)
Left Ideals Preserving Linear Maps Between C*-Algebras Rohollah Parvinianzadeh, Ali Taghavi (2016)
Some Results on Singular Value Inequalities of Compact Operators in Hilbert Space Ali Taghavi, vahid Darvish, Haji Mohammad Nazari, SS Dragomir (2016)
Non-linear*-Jordan Derivations on Von Neumann Algebras Ali Taghavi, Hamid Rohi, vahid Darvish (2016)
Additivity of Maps Preserving Jordan η∗-products on C*-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Hamid Rohi, vahid Darvish (2015)
Spectrum Preserving Linear Maps Between Banach Algebras Ali Taghavi, Rohollah Parvinianzadeh (2015)
Maps Preserving the Fixed Points of Sum of Operators Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, Hamid Rohi (2015)
Unitary Similarity Preserving Linear Maps on B (H) Mehdi Karder, Tatjana Petek, Ali Taghavi (2015)
Hyperinner Product Spaces Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh, Hamid Rohi (2014)
A Note on Dimension of Weak Hypervector Spaces Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2014)
Existence of Nontrivial Solution for Elliptic Systems Involving the p(x)-Laplacian Ali Taghavi, Ghasem Alizadeh Afrouzi, Horieh Ghorbani (2014)
The Nehari Manifold Approach for p(x)-Laplacian Problem with Neumann Boundary Condition Ali Taghavi, Ghasem Alizadeh Afrouzi, Horieh Ghorbani (2013)
A Note on Operators on Normed Finite Dimensional Weak Hypervector Spaces Ali Taghavi, Thomas Vougiouklis, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2012)
Operators on Weak Hypervector Spaces Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2012)
Operators on Normed Hypervector Spaces Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2011)
Adjoint Operator in Fuzzy Normed Linear Spaces Ali Taghavi, Majid Mehdizadeh (2011)
Hahn-Banach Theorem for Functionals on Hypervector Spaces Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2011)
Numerical Range-Preserving Linear Maps Between C*-Algebras Ali Taghavi, Rohollah Parvinianzadeh (2010)
A Ternary Characterization of Automorphisms of B(H) Ali Taghavi, MohammadSal Moslehian, Abolfazl Sanami (2010)
Linear Maps Preserving Idempotent Operators Ali Taghavi, Roja Hosseinzadeh (2010)
Conference Papers
Editor - Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences Yahya Talebi, Mohsen Alimohammady, Ali Taghavi (2019)
Editor-Wavelets and Linear Algebra Mohammad Ali Dehghan, Ali Taghavi (2018)

Research interests

  • Banach Algebras
  • Linear Algebra
  • Functional Analysis
  • Operator Theory


  • انسیه توکلی
    Name: Ensiyeh Tavakoli
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Maps Preserving Some Multiple Structures on Operator Algebras
  • طاهره عظیمی روشن
    Name: Tahere Azimi Roushan
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Inequalities Related to Norm And Numerical Radius of Operators
  • مجتبی نوری
    Name: Mojtaba Nouri
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Maps Preserving Triple Jordan Product on Operator Algebras
  • مهران رازقی
    Name: Mehran Razeghi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: *-Jordan and *-Li triple derivations on operator algebras
  • معصومه یوسفی
    Name: Masoomeh Yousefi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Maps Preserving The Square Zero of η-Lie Product of Operators
  • سعید غلامپور
    Name: Saeed Gholampour
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: The Properties of Special Points of Hypervector Spaces
  • عفت نصراللهی
    Name: Efat Nasrollahi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Determining The Structure of Maps Preserving Certain Properties of Products on Operator Algebras
  • سیدصادق صالحی امیری
    Name: Seyed Sadegh Salehi Amiri
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Maps Preserving Jordan Triple Product and Surjective Isometries of Linear Groups
  • ایلناز سادات شریفی
    Name: Ilnaz Sadat Sharifi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: The Structure of Maps Completely Preserving Properties on Operator Algebras
  • علیرضا محمدپور
    Name: Alireza Mohammadpour
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Numerical Analysis
    Thesis: Solving of Some Implicit and Reverse Differential Equations With Partial Fractional Derivatives
  • حاجی محمد نظری
    Name: Haji Mohammad Nazari
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Norm Inequalities For Positive Operators
  • مهدی کاردر
    Name: Mehdi Karder
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Preserver Problems and Spectral Theory
  • حوریه قربانی
    Name: Hourieh Ghorbani
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: On a Class of Elliptic Problems With Nonstandard Growth Conditions
  • ابوالفضل صنمی
    Name: Abolfazl Sanami
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Determination of The Structure of Maps Preserving Certain Properties on B(H) and its Subsets
  • روح الله پروینیان زاده
    Name: Rohollah Parvinianzadeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Spectrum Preserving Linear Maps Between Banach Algebras
  • حمید روحی
    Name: Hamid Rohi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Maps Preserving Lie Product and Jordan Product on Primes C*-Algebras
  • فرزانه کولیوند
    Name: Farzaneh Kolivand
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: The Structure of Maps Preserving Some Product on Operator Algebras
  • روجا حسین زاده
    Name: Roja Hosseinzadeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Characterization The Structure of Maps Preserving The Certain Properties on Operator Algebras
  • وحید درویش
    Name: Vahid Darvish
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Mathematical Analysis
    Thesis: Singular Value Inequalities for Compact Operators

Executive activities

  • Editor - Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1398 - present)
  • Editor - International Journal of Maps in Mathematics (1396 - present)
  • Editor - Wavelet and Linear Algebra (1396 - present)
  • Member of the Committee of Observation and Evaluation of Higher Education in Mazandaran Province (1393 - present)
  • Board of Directors - Iranian Fuzzy Systems Society (1393 - 1398)
  • Editor in Chief - Journal of Hyperstructures (1392 - 1398)
  • Head of the International Campus of the University of Mazandaran (1392 - 1395)
  • Head of the Research Group of the Center of Algebraic Hyperstructures at University of Mazandaran (1389 - present)
  • Head of the Department of Mathematics at University of Mazandaran (1395 - 1397)
  • Head of the Department of Mathematics at University of Mazandaran (1388 - 1390)
  • Secretary and Member of Promotion Committee at University of Guilan (1370 - 1374)
  • Head of the Observation and Evaluation Office at University of Guilan (1370 - 1374)
  • Head of the Faculty of Basic Sciences at University of Guilan (1366 - 1370)

Scientific Societies Membership
