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Title Which Environmental Psychological Factors are Effective in Creating Social Interaction?
Type Presentation
Keywords social interaction, built environment, environmental psychology, sense of community, sense of place
Abstract Improving social interactions among individuals in different places is an important determinant of providing a healthy built environment. Besides, various environmental, psychological, and sociological theories emphasize on the important role of setting and place in providing social interaction among the individuals. An analytical explanation for identifying the environmental psychological factors in creating social interaction among the individuals in differnernt places has been proposed in this paper and in order to obtain the required information in regard of considering different theories and views, library method has been employed. Findings demonstrated that the sense of community (membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection) and sense of place (place attachment, place identity, and place dependence) are two constructs that are often considered in the environmental psychology literature and are associated with evaluation of social interaction among the individuals in the built environments.
Researchers Seyed Mehdi Motevaliyan (Third Researcher), Farimah Dokoushkani (Second Researcher), Behrang Moradi (First Researcher)