On the nonnegative signed domination number
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مقاله ارائه شده
Nonnegative signed domination , k-limited packing number, number, triangle-free graph.
investigate the nonnegative signed dom- ination number NN s with emphasis on regular, triangle-free graphs and trees. We give lower and upper bounds on NN s for regular graphs and prove that n=3 is the best possible upper bound on this parameter for a cubic graph of order n. investigate the nonnegative signed dom- ination number NNs with emphasis on regular, triangle-free graphs and trees. We give lower and upper bounds on NNs for regular graphs and prove that n=3 is the best possible upper bound on this parameter for a cubic graph of order n. Also, we bound NNs (T) for a tree T from above and below and characterize all trees attaining the bounds.
بابک صمدی (نفر دوم)، دوستعلی مژده (نفر اول)