مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Synthesis of mesoporous ...
عنوان Synthesis of mesoporous silica (SBA-16) nanoparticles using silica extracted from stem cane ash and its application in electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Stem cane ash, Mesoporous silica, SBA-16 nanoparticles, Methanol Electrocatalytic oxidation
چکیده In this work, anewcatalyst based onmodified mesoporous silica SBA-16 is proposed and used for electrochemical oxidation of methanol. Mesoporous silica SBA-16 nanoparticles are synthesized hydrothermally under the acidic medium using SiO2/F127/BuOH/HCl/H2O gel. Pure SiO2 powder is prepared from inexpensive and environmentally friendly silica source of stem cane ash (SCA). The synthesized SBA-16 is characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electronic microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, BrumauereEmmetteTeller (BET) and FT-IR techniques. The synthesized SBA-16 is modified with Ni(II) by dispersion in a 0.1M nickel chloride solution. A modified carbon paste electrode (CPE) is prepared by mixing of NiSBA-16 to carbon paste (NiSBA-16CPE). The electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol was studied on modified electrode by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. From cyclic voltammetry, it is observed that the oxidation current is extremely increased by using NiSBA- 16CPE compared to the nonmodified CPE. The incorporation of Ni2þ into SBA-16 channels provides the active sites for catalysis of methanol oxidation. Also, the rate constant for the catalytic reaction (k) of methanol is obtained.
پژوهشگران سید ناصر عزیزی (نفر اول)، حسین یزدانی شلدرایی (نفر سوم)، شهرام قاسمی میر (نفر دوم)