مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Comparison between ...
عنوان Comparison between optoelectronic spectra and NMR shielding in tellurium based compounds: a FP-LAPW study
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها tellurium based compounds, optoelectronic properties, NMR shielding, DFT
چکیده The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of 125Te atom and optoelectronic spectra in the X2TeO3 (X = Na, K, Ag) and PbTeO3 compounds are investigated by the modified Becke-Johnson (mBJ) potential. Obtained magnetic shielding and the experimental chemical shifts are in close agreement. The X ions control polarity of the magnetic shielding around the 125Te nucleus and σiso(X) increases from Na2TeO3 to PbTeO3 compounds. Calculated band gap of X2TeO3 (X = Na, K, Ag) and PbTeO3 compounds are 3.23, 0.24, 3.63 and 3.95 eV, respectively. Density of states results show that the X1,2-p states in the bottom of the valence band have an essential role in the value of 125Te NMR chemical shielding. The magnetic shielding of X atoms governs on the optical properties, such as the static dielectric function, refractive indexes and plasmon energies.
پژوهشگران بهروز ملکی (نفر سوم)، حسین اصغر رهنمای علی آباد (نفر دوم)، اعظم ابارشی (نفر اول)