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Title (Open) packing number of some graphproducts
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Packing number, open packing number, graph products
Abstract The packing number of a graph G is the maximum number of closed neighborhoods of vertices in G with pairwise empty intersections. Similarly, the open packing number of G is the maximum number of open neighborhoods in G with pairwise empty intersections. We consider the packing and open packing numbers on graph products. In particular we give a complete solution with respect to some properties of factors in the case of lexicographic and rooted products. For Cartesian, strong and direct products, we present several lower and upper bounds on these parameters.
Researchers Ismael Gonzalez Yero (Fourth Researcher), Babak Samadi (Third Researcher), Iztok Peterin (Second Researcher), Doost Ali Mojdeh (First Researcher)