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Title Existence Solution for Curl–Curl Kirchhoff Problem
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Kirchhoff Problem
Abstract ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the existence solution for the nonlinear curl-curl Kirchhoff problem: M ( ∫ R3 (j∇  Uj2+V (x) jUj2)dx )( ∇∇U+V (x)U ) = 􀀀(x) jUjp􀀀1 U; R3 : (I) Our approach relies on the subspace (defocusing case) of H(curl;R3) by varia- tional method from mountain pass theorem, where V (x) 2 L 1 (R3); V (x) ⩾ 1 (a:e:) and p > 1 and M : R+ 􀀀! R+ is a continuous and increasing function.
Researchers S R MousavianKatir (First Researcher), Mohsen Alimohammady (Second Researcher)