2025 : 3 : 7
Mahdi Nematzadeh

Mahdi Nematzadeh

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-8065-0542
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 36198613700
Faculty: Faculty of Technology and Engineering
Phone: 011-35302903


Experimental study and calculation of confinement relationships for prestressed steel tube-confined compressed concrete stub columns
prestressing; stress‒strain; elastic-plastic theory; confined concrete; steel tube; active confinement
Journal Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
Researchers Mahdi Nematzadeh ، Morteza Naghipour ، Javad Jalali ، Abolghasem Salari


In this paper, the effect of active confinement on the compressive behaviour of circular steel tube-confined concrete (STCC) and concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns is investigated. In STCC columns the axial load is only applied to the concrete core, while in CFST columns the load is carried by the whole composite section. A new method is introduced to apply confining pressure on fresh concrete by laterally prestressing steel tubes. In order to achieve different prestressing levels, shortterm and long-term pressures are applied to the fresh concrete. Three groups of STCC and CFST specimens (passive, S-active and L-active groups) are tested under axial loads. The results including stress-strain relationships of composite column components, secant modulus of elasticity, and volumetric strain are presented and discussed. Based on the elastic‒plastic theory, the behaviour of the steel tube is also analyzed during elastic, yielding, and strain hardening stages. The results show that using the proposed prestressing method can considerably improve the compressive behaviour of both STCC and CFST specimens, while increasing the prestressing level has insignificant effects. By applying prestressing, the linear range in the stress‒strain curve of STCC specimens increases by almost twice as much, while the improvement is negligible in CFST specimens.