2025 : 3 : 7
Mohammad Molla-Alipour

Mohammad Molla-Alipour

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Technology and Engineering
Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of azandaran, Babolsar 47416-13534, Iran
Phone: 01135305130


Viscoelastic substrates effects on the elimination or reduction of the sandwich structures oscillations based on the Kelvin-Voigt model
Dynamic response; FG polar orthotropic; viscoelastic foundation; transient loads, Kelvin-Voigt
Journal Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
Researchers Mohammad Molla-Alipour ، Iraj Rajabi


Effects of viscoelastic substrates on the sandwich structures oscil-lations are examined in this paper. In this regard, dynamic re-sponse of sandwich annular panels with FG polar orthotropic face sheets resting on viscoelastic substrate is presented. Young’s modulus in the radial and circumferential direction, shear modu-lus and density of each face sheet may be varied continuously in the radial direction. The viscoelastic substrate is modeled as Kel-vin-Voigt foundation. To describe more accurately response of sandwich structures, the governing dynamical equations are de-rived based on the layerwise theory and five systems of second order coupled partial differential equations are obtained. The effects of the stiffness and damping coefficients of the foundation on the dynamic behavior of sandwich plate are investigated for various transient loads and boundary condition. Since no available results may be found in literature to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the obtained results, the obtained results are verified by comparison with finite element results based on the three dimensional theory of elasticity for some special cases.