2025 : 3 : 7
Mohammad Molla-Alipour
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Faculty of Technology and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of azandaran, Babolsar 47416-13534, Iran
m.mollaalipour [at] umz.ac.ir
Research activities
Research activities
Journal Papers
Bending and Stress Analysis of Doubly Curved Laminated Composite Shells under Arbitrary Non-uniformly Distributed Loads
Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2025)
A Novel Spring-Based Model for Damage Investigation of Functionally Graded Beams
saman karimi, Mohsen Bozorgnasab, reza taghipour, Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2022)
Using orthotropic viscoelastic representative elements for C1-continuous zigzag dynamic response assessment of sandwich FG circular plates with unevenly damaged adhesive layers
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat (2021)
Localized and overall interaction effects of irregular interfacial bonds and elastic edge restraints for sandwich and functionally graded multilayer circular plates with normal/shear tractions
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat (2021)
Natural frequency and bending analysis of heterogeneous polar orthotropic-faced sandwich panels in the existence of in-plane pre-stress
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shaban (2020)
Free Vibration Analysis of Bidirectional Functionally Graded Conical/Cylindrical Shells and Annular Plates on Nonlinear Elastic Foundations, Based on a Unified Differential Transform Analytical Formulation
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat, M. Shaban (2020)
Application of Chebyshev tau method for bending analysis of elastically restrained edge functionally graded nano/micro-scaled sandwich beams, under non-uniform normal and shear loads
Mashallah Matinfar, Maryam Mahdavi Shirazi, Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2019)
Nonlocal zigzag analytical solution for Laplacian hygrothermal stress analysis of annular sandwich macro/nanoplates with poor adhesions and 2D-FGM porous cores
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat (2019)
Analytical layerwise stress and deformation analysis of laminated composite plates with arbitrary shapes of interfacial imperfections and discontinuous lateral deflections
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat (2018)
Transient forced vibration response analysis of heterogeneous sandwich circular plates under viscoelastic boundary support
Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2018)
Viscoelastic substrates effects on the elimination or reduction of the sandwich structures oscillations based on the Kelvin-Voigt model
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, Iraj Rajabi (2017)
Analytical Bending and Stress Analysis of Variable Thickness FGM Auxetic Conical/Cylindrical Shells with General Tractions
M. Shariyat, Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2017)
Analytical layerwise free vibration analysis of circular/annular composite sandwich plates with auxetic cores
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat (2017)
Bending Analysis of Multi-Layered Graphene Sheets Under Combined Non-Uniform Shear and Normal Tractions
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shaban (2017)
Effects of elastically restrained edges on FG sandwich annular plates by using a novel solution procedure based on layerwise formulation
Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2016)
A novel economical analytical method for bending and stress analysis of functionally graded sandwich circular plates with general elastic edge conditions, subjected to various loads
Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2016)
An analytical approach for bending and stress analysis of cross/angle-ply laminated composite plates under arbitrary non-uniform loads and elastic foundations
Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2016)
Analytical zigzag formulation with 3D elasticity corrections for bending and stress analysis of circular/annular composite sandwich plates with auxetic cores
Mohammad Molla-Alipour, M. Shariyat (2015)
Mechanical Engineering Advance (MEA)
Mohammad Molla-Alipour (2024)
Reforced Of Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Nanocomposite Material
Muthanna Al-Hadrawi, Ahmed Aboody Taher, Mohammad Molla-Alipour, Naser Kordani (2022)