2024 : 7 : 27
Hassanali Aghajani

Hassanali Aghajani

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Address: Dep. of MGT, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar
Phone: 01135302571


Application of Fuzzy Topsis for Ranking Suppliers of Supply Chain in Automobile Manufacturing Companies in Iran
Topsis,Ranking supply chain,Automobile
Journal Fuzzy Information and Engineering
Researchers Hassanali Aghajani ،


Evaluating, ranking and selecting of good supplier play an important role in decreasing of buying risk and increasing of efficiency and effectiveness in value chain and competitive ability of organizations. The goal of this paper is determination and localization of criteria, ranking and selecting suppliers in Automobile Manufacturing Companies in Iran. Based on literature review, 27 criteria were selected and localized, then using factor analysis, they were decreased to 6 items including quality, delivery, technical skill, after sales services, investment and product design. Ultimately, 4 suppliers including Tavan, Borna, Saba and Niroogostaran have been assessed and ranked by fuzzy topsis technique. The results of the research state that score of Borna is better than others with coefficient of 0.52, and from this view, Tavan, Saba and Niroogostaran are in the next ranking with coefficient of 0.45, 0.41, 0.31, respectively. Finally, it concludes some remarks including discussion, summary of implications for managers about how they can use this research results for selecting the best supplier and promoting the competitive ability of their organization, and directions for their further work too.