Name Shahryar Saeidi Mehrvarz Affiliation عضو هیئت علمی سایر دانشگاههای کشور Degree Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation FinishedProject Book ConferenceHoldings Speech Panel WorkShop TheorizingChair ResearchExcellence Innovation Publication ExecutiveActivity Thesis Sabbatical GrantAttraction Contribution IndustryVisit Art TitleJournal 1 Peucedanum hyrcanicum (Apiaceae) a new species of Peucedenaum s. lato from northern Iran ANNALES BOTANICI FENNICI 2 Environmental factors–ecological species group relationships in the Surash lowland-mountain forests in northern Iran NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY 3 A Survey of Plant Species Diversity and Ecological Species Group from the Coastal Zone Of Boujagh National Park, Guilan, Iran ecologia balkanica 4 The survey of macrophytes diversity in wetland zone of Boujagh National Park, Guilan, Iran Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences