Name Farimah Dokoushkani Affiliation عضو یک سازمان آموزشی یا پژوهشی داخلی Degree Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation FinishedProject Book ConferenceHoldings Speech Panel WorkShop TheorizingChair ResearchExcellence Innovation Publication ExecutiveActivity Thesis Sabbatical GrantAttraction Contribution IndustryVisit Art TitleJournal 1 Individual action and social interaction in the built environment: an analytical view Journal of the Social Sciences 2 Associations between Dwelling Type, Environmental Aspects of Housing Welfare, and Residents’ Sense of Insecurity in Bandar-Abbas, Iran Asian Social Science 3 Associations of Personality Traits and Childhood Insult Experience with Perceived Husbands’ Psychological Aggression among Iranian Women JOURNAL OF FAMILY VIOLENCE