Name Seyyedeh Tahereh Mirsalehi Affiliation دانشجو Degree Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation FinishedProject Book ConferenceHoldings Speech Panel WorkShop TheorizingChair ResearchExcellence Innovation Publication ExecutiveActivity Thesis Sabbatical GrantAttraction Contribution IndustryVisit Art TitleConference 1 Thiolation of Chitosan nanoparticle and immobilization of Laccase enzyme بيستمين كنگره ملي و هشتمين كنگره بين المللي زيست شناسي ايران 2 Synthesis of thiolated chitosan nanoparticles اولين كنفرانس ملي ميكرو نانو فناوري 3 Association between Estrogen Receptor-Alpha Gene XbaI (A/G) polymorphisms and Preeclampsia Risk: A meta-analysis هفتمين كنفرانس بيوانفورماتيك