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Title Kudryashov method for exact solutions of isothermal magnetostatic atmospheres
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Kudryashov method; magnetostatic equilibria; nonlinear evolu- tion equations; traveling waves.
Abstract The Kudryashov method to look for the exact solutions of the nonlinear differential equations is presented. The Kudryashov method is applied to search for the exact solutions of the Liouville equation and the Sinh-Poisson equation. The equations of magnetohydrostatic equilibria for a plasma in a gravitational field are investigated analytically. An investigation of a family of isothermal magnetostatic atmospheres with one ignorable coordinate corresponding to a uniform gravitational field in a plane geometry is carried out. The distributed current in the model J is directed along the x-axis where x is the horizontal ignorable coordinate. These equations transform to a single nonlinear elliptic equation for the magnetic vector potential u. This equation depends on an arbitrary function of u that must be specified.
Researchers Nematollah Kadkhoda (First Researcher), Hossein Jafari (Second Researcher)