Total double Roman domination in graphs
total double Roman domination, double Roman domination, total Roman domination, total domination, domination
Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V . A double Roman dominating function (DRDF) on G is a function f : V ! f0; 1; 2; 3g satisfying that if f(v) = 0, then the vertex v must be adjacent to at least two vertices assigned 2 or one vertex assigned 3 under f, whereas if f(v) = 1, then the vertex v must be adjacent to at least one vertex assigned 2 or 3. The weight of a DRDF f is the sum P v2V f(v). A total double Roman dominating function (TDRDF) on a graph G with no isolated vertex is a DRDF f on G with the additional property that the subgraph of G induced by the set fv 2 V : f(v) 6= 0g has no isolated vertices. The total double Roman domination number tdR(G) is the minimum weight of a TDRDF on G. In this paper, we give several relations between the total double Roman domination number of a graph and other domination parameters and we determine the total double Roman domination number of some classes of graphs.
Doost Ali Mojdeh (Third Researcher), Lutz Volkmann (Second Researcher), Guoliang Hao (First Researcher)