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Home /Liars dominating sets in ...
Title Liars dominating sets in graphs,
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Liar’s dominatio Double domination Packing numberr-partite graph
Abstract A set L ⊆ V of a graph G = (V, E) is a liar’s dominating set if (1) for every vertex u ∈ V, |N[u] ∩ L| ≥ 2 and (2) for every pair u, v ∈ V of distinct vertices, |(N[u] ∪ N[v]) ∩ L| ≥ 3. In this paper, we first provide a characterization of graphs G with γLR(G) = |V| as well as the trees T with γLR(T ) = |V| − 1. Then we present some bounds on the liar’s domination number, especially an upper bound for the ratio between the liar’s domination number and the double domination number is established for connected graphs with girth at least five. Finally, we determine the exact value of the liar’s domination number for the complete r-partite graphs
Researchers Mustapha Chellali (Second Researcher), Abdollah Alimadadi (First Researcher), Doost Ali Mojdeh (Third Researcher)