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Title Synthesis and investigating of electrical, magnetical, optical and morphology properties of semicontinuous metallic nanostructures
Type JournalPaper
Keywords SNG  Tunable metamaterials  Ag/Zr0.9Ni0.1Oy nanostructures
Abstract The paper focuses on the electrical, magnetical and morphology characterization of Ag/Zr0.9Ni0.1Oy (AZNx) nanostructures with different atomic ratios ‘‘x’’ (where ‘‘x’’ is 0, 5, and 25 %). The structure and morphology properties of the AZNx nanostructures were evaluated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques. Here, a negative permittivity behavior of AZN25 % is found. The complex permeability of AZN25 % presents negative susceptibility (l0\1).
Researchers Ali Bahari (Second Researcher), Reza Gholipur (First Researcher)