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Title Influence of waterpipe smoking on cardiac autonomic function at rest and following high-intensity anaerobic exercise
Type JournalPaper
Keywords heart rate variability, Wingate anaerobic test, heart rate recovery, hookah
Abstract Waterpipe (WP) smoking has been linked to reduced birth weight, genetic damage, and respiratory and cardiovascular disease, possibly via enhanced exposure to carbon monoxide and volatile aldehydes. Objective: The effect of long-term WP smoking on cardiac autonomic function at rest and following exercise was investigated. Methods: Twenty males volunteered and were divided into two groups: WP smokers (WPS) and non-smokers (NSmk). Heart rate variability (HRV) at rest and following (10 mins) Wingate test was examined. Additionally, heart rate recovery (HRR) at 1 (HRR1), 2 (HRR2) and 5 mins (HRR5) post-Wingate test were considered. Results: At rest, the WPS group exhibited a significantly greater heart rate and lower standard deviation of RR intervals. The WPS group experienced a significantly greater peak heart rate while the post-Wingate recovery of HRV, HRR1, and HRR2 were similar between groups. In contrast, HRR5 for the WPS group was significantly greater than for the NSmk group. Conclusions: Long-term WP smoking resulted in an altered resting cardiac autonomic state exemplified by reduced overall HRV, specifically, a decline in vagal activity and/or relative increase in sympathetic activity that may persist during anaerobic exercise but not during early recovery.
Researchers Anthony Leicht (Fourth Researcher), Valiollah Dabidi Roshan (Third Researcher), Saeed Ghorbani (Second Researcher), Mehdi Ahmadian (First Researcher)