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Home /Emergent universe in theories ...
Title Emergent universe in theories with natural UV cutoffs
Type JournalPaper
Keywords modified theories of gravity, cosmology, particle-theory and field-theory models of the early Universe
Abstract We investigate the realization of the emergent universe scenario in theories with natural UV cutoffs, namely a minimum length and a maximum momentum, quantified by a new deformation parameter in the generalized uncertainty principle. We extract the Einstein static universe solutions and we examine their stability through a phase-space analysis. As we show, the role of the new deformation parameter is crucial in a twofold way: firstly, it leads to the appearance of new Einstein static universe critical points, that are absent in standard cosmology. Secondly, it provides a way for a graceful exit from the Einstein static universe into the expanding thermal history, that is needed for a complete and successful realization of the emergent universe scenario.
Researchers Emmanuel Saridakis (Third Researcher), Kourosh Nozari (Second Researcher), Mohsen Khodadi (First Researcher)