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Home /Onosma ghahremanii sp. nov. ...
Title Onosma ghahremanii sp. nov. (Boraginaceae), a new species from Alborz Mts., Iran
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Endemism, IUCN, steppe vegetation, taxonomy
Abstract Onosma ghahremanii (Boraginaceae) is described and illustrated as a new endemic species from the Alborz Mts., N Iran. The new species is related to O. gaubae, O. borragoidinum and O. microcarpum, but differs from them in indumentum type, corolla color and stamen characteristics. Some notes are also presented on the ecology, distribution, and conservation status of the new species and a distribution map is provided.
Researchers Farideh Attar (Second Researcher), Alireza Naqinezhad (First Researcher)