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Home /Perfect double Italian ...
Title Perfect double Italian domination of a graph
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Double Italian domination;perfect double Italiandomination; perfect doubleRoman domination;complexity
Abstract For a graphG=(V,E)withV=V(G)andE=E(G), a perfect double Italian dominating functionis a functionf:V→{0, 1, 2, 3}having the property that 3≤∑u∈NG[v]f(u)≤4, for every vertexv∈Gwithf(v)∈{0, 1}. The weight of a perfect double Italian dominating functionfis the sumf(V)=∑v∈V(G)f(v)and the minimum weight of a perfect double Italian dominating function onGis theperfect double Italian domination numberγpdI(G)ofG. We initiate the study of perfect double Italiandominating functions. We check theγpdIof some standard graphs and evaluate withγdIof such graphs.The perfect double Italian dominating functions versus perfect double Roman dominating functionsare perused. The NP-completeness of this parameter is verified even when it is restricted to bipartitegraphs. Finally, we characterize the graphsGof ordernwithγpdI(G)∈{3, 4, 5,n,2n−3, 2n−4, 2n−5, 2n−6}.
Researchers Doost Ali Mojdeh (Third Researcher), Parvin Jalilolghadr (Second Researcher), Guoliang Hao (First Researcher)