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Title Strong cosmic censorship in light of weak gravity conjecture for charged black holes
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Black Holes, Classical Theories of Gravity, Models of Quantum Gravity
Abstract In this paper, we investigate the strong cosmic censorship conjecture (SCC) for charged black holes in the de Sitter space by considering the weak gravity conjecture (WGC). Using analytical methods, we find that the SCC is preserved for dS-charged black holes with respect to some restriction qQ  1 and r+ ≥ Q with the help of the WGC condition viz q m ≥ 1 for scalar fields. Where q, m are the charge and mass of the scalar field, and r+, Q determine the radius of the outer event horizon and the charge of the black hole, respectively. In that case, when the (WGC) is valid, SCC will definitely be satisfied for the dS-charged black holes. On the other hand, the SCC is violated when the WGC is not satisfied. Also, we examined the RN-dS charged black hole in the extremality state and found that SCC can be violated with the condition Λr 2 + = 1.
Researchers saeed noori gashti (Third Researcher), m.r. Alipour (Second Researcher), Jafar Sadeghi (First Researcher)