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Title Hawking-like radiation as tunneling from a cosmological black hole in modified gravity: semiclassical approximation and beyond
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Cosmological black hole · Modified gravity · Hawking radiation · Apparent horizon · Semiclassical approximation
Abstract Hawking radiation as a quantum phenomenon is generally attributed to the existence of the event horizon of a black hole. However, we demonstrate in this paper that there is indeed ingoing Hawking-like radiation associated with apparent horizons of the first cosmological black hole solution in the framework of Scalar–Tensor–Vector Gravity (STVG) theory living in the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) background. Such radiation can be attributed also to the cosmological apparent horizon of the FLRWuniverse and even to the cosmological event horizon of de Sitter spacetime. We see how STVG theory as a successful theory for explaining black holes both on local and global scales affects the Hawking effect. Based on semiclassical approximation, we follow Hamilton–Jacobi and Parikh–Wilczek tunneling methods respectively with and without back-reaction effects. We find out that back-reaction effects make a correlation between the emission modes in Parikh–Wilczek tunneling formalism, which can address the information paradox. We obtain the corresponding Hawkinglike temperature as a function of inverse powers of apparent horizons radiuses of the cosmological black hole in STVG theory.
Researchers Kourosh Nozari (Second Researcher), sara Saghafi (First Researcher)