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Title Constant-roll f(R) inflation compared with cosmic microwave background anisotropies and swampland criteria
Type JournalPaper
Keywords Constant-roll f(R) inflation, cosmic microwave background ,swampland criteria
Abstract Inflationary models derived from f (R) gravity, where the scalaron rolls down with a constant rate from the top to the minimum of the effective potential, are considered. Specifically, we take into account three f (R) models, i.e. Starobinsky R2, R2p and the logarithmic corrected models. We compare the inflationary parameters derived from the models with the observational data of CMB anisotropies, i.e., the Planck and Keck/array datasets in order to find observational constraints on the parameters space. We find that although our f (R) constant-roll models for γ = 0 show observationally acceptable values of r, they do not predict favored values of the spectral index. In particular, we have ns > 1 for the Starobinsky R2 and R2p models and 0.996 < ns < 0.999 for logarithmic model. Finally, we study the models from the point of view of Weak Gravity Conjecture adopting the swampland criteria
Researchers Salvatore Capozziello (Third Researcher), Mohammad Reza Setare (Second Researcher), Jafar Sadeghi (Fourth Researcher), Mehdi Shokri (First Researcher)