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Home /Sports Economics of Iran
Title Sports Economics of Iran
Type Book
Keywords economy, sport, development, Iran
Abstract Today, economy- oriented sport plays a major role in both the practical and spectacular dimensions of the production and consumption of goods, sports services and economic development. The findings of the late 20th century indicate a very close relationship between economic development and sport in different countries. The share of gross domestic product (GDP) from the sports industry of some developed countries with an average of 2% has improved the position of this industry compared to other industries (Kalashi, Eidi, Abbasi, and Rajaei, 2019). For example, the share of sports in the GDP of Iceland 3.3%, Hungary 2.4%, Estonia 1.5%, Sweden 1.2%, Netherland, Czechia 1.1%; meanwhile, the share of the sports industry in the global economy has been reported at 2.5% (Eurostat, 2019). Iran, which was formerly known as Persia until 1935, is an oil- rich country. It represents an important regional economy with strategic locations in the Persian Gulf and Central Asia. Iran has a relatively large population, vast natural resources and an attractive market with large investment opportunities.
Researchers taghi ashori (Third Researcher), ali mohsenifar (Second Researcher), Morteza Dousti (First Researcher)