In this paper, we study the massive Dirac equation with the presence of the Morse potential in polar coordinate. The Dirac Hamiltonian is written as two second-order differential equations in terms of two spinor wavefunctions. Since the motion of electrons in graphene is propagated like relativistic fermionic quasi-particles, then one is considered only with pseudospin symmetry for aligned spin and unaligned spin by arbitrary 𝑘. Next, we use the confluent Heun’s function for calculating the wavefunctions and the eigenvalues. Then, the corresponding energy spectrum obtains in terms of 𝑁 and 𝑘. Afterward, we plot the graphs of the energy spectrum and the wavefunctions in terms of 𝑘 and 𝑟, respectively. Moreover, we investigate the graphene band structure by a linear dispersion relation which creates an energy gap in the Dirac points called gapped graphene. Finally, we plot the graph of the valence and conduction bands in terms of wavevectors.