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Title Anisotropic constant-roll inflation with noncommutative model and swampland conjectures
Type JournalPaper
Keywords constant-Roll, Noncommutative Inflationary Models, Swampland Criteria
Abstract In this paper, we study a constant-roll inflationary model in the presence of a noncommutative parameter with a homogeneous scalar field minimally coupled to gravity. The specific noncommutative inflation conditions proposed new consequences. On the other hand, we use anisotropic conditions and find new anisotropic constant-roll solutions with respect to noncommutative parameter. Also, we will plot some figures with respect to the specific values of the corresponding parameter and the swampland criteria which is raised from the exact potential obtained from the constant-roll condition. Finally, different of figures lead us to analyze the corresponding results and also show the effect of above mentioned parameter on the inflationary model.
Researchers saeed noori gashti (Second Researcher), Jafar Sadeghi (First Researcher)