In Quranic doctrine Charity is one of human examination material in the world and always is emphasized in Islamic training and tradition. Also, it is from renewed cannels of wealth distribution and protection methods that prosper high efficiency. This research is determined with this title to pay attention with new and general view and with using of Qur’an guidance’s and Islamic genuine resources to the role of Charity in renewed distribution of wealth. The word “Charity” from the view of vocabulary and scientists’ that know word and its function in know and tradition is investigated, and then is considered to encouragement and persuasion of God to Charity and the most important pattern from the view of Qur’an, and finally is resulted that Charity, is a program for elimination of categories gap and creation of social security that is always from the most important present human disturbances. Descriptive method was used in this investigation and as a conclusion, Charity is in best from when a person is inclined to arrive the best his property part to certain consumptions, as far as possible neither be tightly and nor be deranged his life.