2024 : 9 : 9
mohammad azamzadeh

mohammad azamzadeh

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
HIndex: 0/00
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Architecture
Phone: 09113545295


Classification and Iconography of Neo-Assyrian Winged Gods/Angels
New Assyria, Relief, God / Angels, Winged Creatures
Journal The International Journal of Humanities
Researchers Mahila Mehrafarin ، mohammad azamzadeh


On the other hand, understanding scenes and themes in motifs is beneficial to understand the cultural and social conditions of the people of that time. This study intends to Study scenes and related topics, considering the importance of the role of religion and especially gods / angels in society and the Assyrian court and after classifying the various scenes of the winged god / angels in the reliefs of the palaces of Kalho, Dursharokin and Nineveh, provide an archaeological and artistic description of them and finally analyze icons present in these scenes by iconography method. The research question is: how the scenes are thematically classified in the reliefs of New Assyria and what is the process of analysis in the images of gods / angels with an iconographic view? This research is a kind of fundamental research based on the nature and in terms of approach, is a kind of historical and analytical research and the method and tool of collecting information is documentary. The results of the research show that new Assyrian reliefs with the theme of God / winged angels are divided Into three general categories; winged humans, winged hybrids and winged discs. They play their role in terms of Symbolic and tailored to specific scenes. On the other hand it should be said that the motifs of the Assyrian winged creatures are reminiscent of the metaphysical and physical aspects of the gods, angels, and demons whichhas played a significant role in the thoughts and ideas of this people. They determined the way of life and strategy of the people and the rulers in the face of overt and covert forces.