2024 : 12 : 4
Behzad Eslam Panah

Behzad Eslam Panah

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-1447-3760
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 55987589900
Faculty: Science
Address: University of Mazandaran
Phone: 01132302695


Quark stars in massive gravity might be candidates for the mass gap objects
Quark Stars, Massive gravity, Redshift
Journal European Physical Journal C
Researchers Jalil Sedaghat ، Behzad Eslam Panah ، Rahim Moradi ، Seyed Mohammad Zebarjad ، Gholam Hossein Bordbar


We have investigated the structural properties of strange quark stars (SQSs) in a modified theory of gravity known as massive gravity. In order to obtain the equation of state (EOS) of strange quark matter, we have employed a modified version of the Nambu–Jona-Lasiniomodel (MNJL) which includes a combination of NJL Lagrangian and its Fierz transformation by using weighting factors (1 − α) and α. Additionally, we have also calculated dimensionless tidal deformability () in massive gravity. To constrain the allowed values of the parameters appearing in massive gravity, we have imposed the condition 1.4M  580. Notably, in the MNJL model, the value of α varies between zero and one. As α increases, the EOS becomes stiffer, and the value of  increases accordingly. We have demonstrated that by softening the EOS with increasing the bag constant, one can obtain objects in massive gravity that not only satisfy the constraint 1.4M  580, but they also fall within the unknown mass gap region (2.5M − 5M). To establish that the obtained objects in this region are not black holes, we have calculated Schwarzschild radius, compactness, and MT OV in massive gravity.