2025 : 3 : 7
Mohammad Javad Emami-Skardi

Mohammad Javad Emami-Skardi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-7144
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56183743800
HIndex: 0/00
Faculty: Faculty of Technology and Engineering
Address: Umz
Phone: 011-35303000


My research interests are in water resources engineering and management, with a particular focus on investigating and analyzing the dynamics of various stakeholders in complex, large-scale shared water resources systems. My research expertise encompasses a range of topics in the field of hydrology and water resources management. Specifically, my research has delved into hydrological modelling, water resources management, optimization techniques, simulation-optimisation methodologies, game theory, agent-based modelling, urban water allocation incorporating urban metabolism considerations, the water-energy-food nexus, water governance, socio-hydrological approaches to water resources management, water-sensitive urban design, machine learning applications, and water accounting. Also, I have considered the importance of the presence of different stakeholders in a water system and the need for studying and looking from more than an engineering perspective to solve these kinds of problems. Hence in recent years, I have focused on the following topics: the development of a hydrological model that can include social attachments and the real behaviour of stakeholders in water resources management. Cooperation diffusion in large-scale systems; quantifying and incorporating social attachments into hydrological system simulation models; and studying approaches and tools such as social learning, stakeholder analysis, social network analysis, and reinforcement learning in water resources management. -- 2015-20: Ph.D. in Water Resource Management and Engineering, Tehran University • Dissertation: Water and Reclaimed Wastewater Allocation in Urban Areas with Emphasis on Correlated Equilibrium and Social Optimality •--. 2008-11: MSc in Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology • Dissertation: Wet Detention Ponds Optimal Designing in Watersheds, Using Ant Colony Algorithm and SWAT Model; A Cooperative Game Theory Approach • --. 2003-08: BSc in Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology •


  • PhD. in Water Resource Management and Engineering , University of Tehran , Iran (2015 - 2020)
    Thesis title: Water and Reclaimed Wastewater Allocation in Urban Areas with Emphasis on Correlated Equilibrium and Social Optimality
  • MSc. in Civil Engineering - Hydraulic Structures , Iran University of Science and Technology , Iran (2008 - 2011)
    Thesis title: Wet Detention Ponds Optimal Designing in Watersheds, Using Ant Colony Algorithm and SWAT Model; A Cooperative Game Theory Approach
  • BSc. in Civil Engineering , University of Mazandaran - Faculty of Technology and Engineering Noshirvani , Iran (2003 - 2008)
    Thesis title:

Research activities

Journal Papers
Water-energy-food-greenhouse gases nexus management in urban environments: A robust multi-agent decision-support system Omid Emamjomezadeh, Fatemeh Omidi, Reza Kerachian, Mohammad Javad Emami-Skardi, Marzieh Momeni (2024)
Combining urban metabolism and reinforcement learning concepts for sustainable water resources management: A nexus approach Omid Emamjomezadeh, Reza Kerachian, Mohammad Javad Emami-Skardi, Marzieh Momeni (2023)
Conference Papers
Forest System Exploitation and Management from the Perspective of Game Theory Application Massoud Behboudian, Naime Emami, Mohammad Javad Emami-Skardi (2024)

Research interests

  • Water-Food-Energy NEXUS
  • Social Attachments in Large-Scale Systems Engineering and Management
  • Stakeholder Analysis (SA)
  • Social Network Analysis (SNA)
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence in Water Resources Engineering and Management
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Agent-Based simulation
  • Simulation of water resources systems
  • Optimization
  • Social Learning
  • Integrated water resources management
  • Hydrological Models
  • Water resource management and engineering
  • Game Theory