2024 : 7 : 27
Doost Ali Mojdeh

Doost Ali Mojdeh

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Address: Department of Mathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Phone: 011-35302448


Outer independent global dominating set of trees and unicyclic graphs
global domination, outer independent global dominating set, tree, unicyclic graph
Journal Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications
Researchers Doost Ali Mojdeh ، Morteza Alishahi


Let G be a graph. A set D  V (G) is a global dominating set of G if D is a dominating set of G and G. g(G) denotes global domination number of G. A set D  V (G) is an outer independent global dominating set (OIGDS) of G if D is a global dominating set of G and V (G) 􀀀 D is an independent set of G. The cardinality of the smallest OIGDS of G, denoted by oi g (G), is called the outer independent global domination number of G. An outer independent global dominating set of cardinality oi g (G) is called a oi g -set of G. In this paper we characterize trees T for which oi g (T) = (T) and trees T for which oi g (T) = g(T) and trees T for which oi g (T) = oi(T) and the unicyclic graphs G for which oi g (G) = (G), and the unicyclic graphs G for which oi g (G) = g(G).