2025 : 3 : 14
Ehsan Ataie
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Faculty of Technology and Engineering
Main Campus of the University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
ataie [at] umz.ac.ir
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
PhD. in Computer Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Iran
(2013 - 2017)
Thesis title: Modeling and Evaluation of Performability in Cloud Computing Considering Power Consumption
MSc. in Computer Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Iran
(2002 - 2005)
Thesis title: Secure Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
BSc. in Computer Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Iran
(1998 - 2002)
Thesis title: Mobile Payment Using Short Message Service
Bachelor Of Science
Master Of Science
Theory of Languages and Automata
Computer Simulation
Object-oriented Software Analysis and Design
Software Engineering
Operating Systems
Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems
Distributed and Cloud Computing
Research activities
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Smart forest monitoring: A novel Internet of Things framework with shortest path routing for sustainable environmental management
Alireza Etaati, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2024)
A novel IoT-integrated ensemble learning approach for indoor air quality enhancement
Saja Kareem Abed, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2024)
An MLP-based Deep Learning Approach for Detecting DDoS Attacks
Mojtaba Vasou Jouybari, Ehsan Ataie, Mostafa Bastam (2022)
Modeling and evaluation of dispatching policies in IaaS cloud data centers using SANs
Ehsan Ataie, Reza Entezari-Maleki, Sayed Ehsan Etesami, Bernhard Egger, Leonel Sousa, Ali Movaghar (2022)
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Performance Modeling of Cloud-Based Big Data Applications
Ehsan Ataie, Athanasia Evangelinou, Eugenio Giannit, Danilo Ardagna (2021)
Availability Modeling in Redundant OpenStack Private Clouds
Mahsa Faraji Shoyari, Ehsan Ataie, Reza Entezari-Maleki, Ali Movaghar (2021)
Modeling and Evaluation of Power-Aware Software Rejuvenation in Cloud Systems
Sharifeh Fakhrolmobasheri, Ehsan Ataie, Ali Movaghar (2018)
Power-aware performance analysis of self-adaptive resource management in IaaS clouds
Ehsan Ataie, Reza Entezari-Maleki, Sayed Ehsan Etesami, Bernhard Egger, Danilo Ardagna, Ali Movaghar (2018)
Hierarchical Stochastic Models for Performance, Availability, and Power Consumption Analysis of IaaS Clouds
Ehsan Ataie, Reza Entezari-Maleki, Leila Rashidi, Kishor S. Trivedi, Danilo Ardagna, Ali Movaghar (2017)
A Cooperation Enforcement, Malice Detection and Energy Efficient Mechanism for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Ehsan Ataie, Ali Movaghar, Mostafa Bastam (2013)
A Combined Analytical Modeling Machine Learning Approach for Performance Prediction of MapReduce Jobs in Cloud Environment
Ehsan Ataie, Eugenio Giannit, Danilo Ardagna, Ali Movaghar (2016)
Recent Advances in Green Industries Innovation
Ehsan Ataie, Mohammad Gholami (2022)
An Analysis of Resource Demand Prediction in Google and Azure Cloud Providers
Suadad Alabidi, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2024)
A Study of Sentiment Analysis on AWS and Google Cloud Providers
Akeel Alshemri, Ehsan Ataie (2024)
Improving Energy Efficiency for Wireless Sensor Networks using Software Defined Networking Technique
Khalid Al-Mayyahi, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2023)
Investigation of Cloud Security and its Anti Attacks Algorithms
Arshed Sultan Alkhafaje, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2023)
Designing and Implementation of a Cloud Based Vessel Monitoring Framework using IoT
Alyaa Ghazi Fenjan, Heidar Almashhadi, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2023)
Secure data gathering based on multi-agent approach in IoT based Smart Homes
Ali Al-Marmadi, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2023)
Health monitoring of covid-19 patients using IOT
Nawfal Al-Hanon, Mostafa Bastam, Ehsan Ataie (2023)
Monitoring the level of environmental pollution in smart buildings using IoT
Saja Kareem Abed, Montajab Ghanem, Ehsan Ataie, Mostafa Bastam (2023)
Evaluation of IDS by using the Machine Learning method
Saif Abbas Ali Hussein, Montajab Ghanem, Ehsan Ataie, Mostafa Bastam (2023)
Anomaly Detection Scheme using Hybrid Deep Learning for anomaly Detection in SDN in Social Multimedia
Mohammadali Hussein Adalimi, Montajab Ghanem, Ehsan Ataie, Mostafa Bastam (2023)
A Method for Monitoring and Improving the Quality of Wash Water Using Internet of Things
Atheir Almouhi, Ehsan Ataie, Mostafa Bastam (2022)
Research interests
Information Technology Security
Software Engineering
Cloud and Green Computing
Performance and Dependability Modeling
Executive activities
Head of Computer Engineering Department
(1401 - present)
Member of the Administrative Council of International Students, University of Mazandaran
(1400 - present)
Member of the IT Committee, University of Mazandaran
(1399 - present)
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Mazandaran
(1399 - 1400)
Member of the Research and Technology Quality Assurance Committee, University of Mazandaran
(1398 - present)
Member of the IT Committee, University of Mazandaran
(1392 - 1394)
Member of the CERT Center, University of Mazandaran
(1395 - present)
Member of the ICT Workgroup of Development Think Tank, Mazandaran Province
(1397 - 1398)
Member of the Incubation Center Committee, University of Mazandaran
(1397 - 1399)
Member of the IT Committee, University of Mazandaran
(1396 - 1398)
Head of the CERT Center, University of Mazandaran
(1396 - 1399)