2024 : 12 : 4
ali Asghar Talebi

ali Asghar Talebi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Phone: 09111523547


On the parameter of domination of knodel graph
knodel graphs, domination set, domination number, silicate, total dominating set, total domination number.
Researchers Iman Jawad(Student)، ali Asghar Talebi(Advisor)، Doost Ali Mojdeh(PrimaryAdvisor)


A graph is defined as � = (�(�), �(�)) Every vertex of a set � ⊆ �(�) is a member of a dominant set if it is connected to at least one other vertex in S. A dominating set of �(�) �� � minimum cardinality is known as �(�) − � the dominance number �(�) With this the domination number of the ���̈��� ����ℎ �3,� is investigated in this study. If every vertex � ∈ �(�)\� of a graph G is next to at least one vertex � ∈ � of the graph G, then that subset D is a dominant set. A dominating set �(�) �� � minimum cardinality is known as the domination number, or (G) of G. A ���̈��� ����ℎ �3,� is an even-order bipartite graph with the regularity �∆,� �� � ∆ − ������� for an even integer � ≥ 2 and the logarithmic constant n. with edges between the vertices (1, �), ��� ����� ������ (2, (� + 2� − 1) ��� (�\2)) for � = 0,1, … , ∆ − 1 and with vertices (�, �), for i = 1, 2 and 0 ≤ � ≤ �\2 − 1 , where for every �, 0 ≤ � ≤ �\2 − 1 , there is an edge between the vertices (1, j) We calculate the domination number in 4-regular ���̈��� ����ℎ �4,�in this study. If each � ∈ �(�)\� is adjacent to some vertex � ∈ �, then the subset D of the vertices in a graph G is said to be a dominant set. The lowest cardinality of a dominating set of � is known as the domination number, �(�)�� �, A set D ⊆ V (G) entails a complete prevailing. If a vertex � ∈ � is next to a vertex � ∈ �(�), then the condition is set. The lowest cardinality of a complete dominating set of �(�) is known as the total domination number, or ��(�) �� �. A ���̈��� ����ℎ �∆,� is an even-order bipartite graph with vertices(�, �), for i = 1, 2 and 0 ≤ � ≤ � 2 − 1, where for any even integer � ≥ 2��� 1 ≤ ∆≤ ⌊���2�⌋, �, 0 ≤ � ≤ � 2 − 1, and for � = 0,1, … , ∆ − 1, there is an edge connecting each vertex (2, (� + 2� − 1) ��� (�\2)) and j, 0 j n 2 1. In this study, the overall dominance number in the �3,� 3-regular ���̈��� graphs are determined.