2025 : 3 : 7
Abbas Eslami

Abbas Eslami

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Chemistry
Address: Department of Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry University of Mazandaran Babolsar P.O.Box 47416-95447, Mazandaran, IRAN
Phone: +98-11-35302381


The effect of microencapsulation with nitrocellulose on thermal properties of sodium azide particles
Sodium azide particles Gas generator Coating Solvent/non-solvent Thermal stability Microencapsulation
Journal Progress in Organic Coatings
Researchers Abbas Eslami ، Seyed Ghorban Hosseini ، Vahid Asadi


Based on the coacervation principle a solvent/non-solvent method has been used for microencapsula- tion of sodium azide (NaN3 ) with fibrous nitrocellulose (NC). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to examine the coating morphology. The thermal behavior of solid samples has been studied by means of thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of TG–DTA analysis revealed that the main thermal degradation for the pure NC and NaN3 occurs in the tempera- ture ranges of 192–220 and 415–420 ◦C, respectively. The effects of some parameters, such as NC to NaN3 weight ratio and volume and addition time of non-solvent, on coating quality and thermal properties have been investigated by SEM and thermal methods. The results of these experiments showed that the decomposition temperature of most stabilized coated sodium azide is about 50 ◦C higher than that of the pure sample. The DSC experiments were conducted to study the influence of the heating rate (5, 10, 15 and 20 ◦C/min) on the thermal decomposition processes of the pure NC, coated and pure NaN3 samples. The results revealed that, as the heating rate was increased, decomposition temperature of the compounds was increased. Also, the kinetic parameters such as activation energy and frequency factor of the decomposition processes were obtained from the DSC data by non-isothermal methods proposed by ASTM E696 and Ozawa. Our finding showed that coated NaN3 has lower decomposition rate with respect to the pure one.