2025 : 3 : 11
Ali Akbar Jafari

Ali Akbar Jafari

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-7543-6365
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57902331000
Faculty: Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
Phone: 01135302101


Role of Iranian center and Persian literature and language studies in the cultural cooperation between Iran and Georgia through SWOT analysis
Iranian, Georgia, Cooperation, Scientific Diplomacy, Literature.
Researchers Ali Akbar Jafari


A. Jafar placed a great emphasis on enhancing the so called medical diplomacy in Georgia-Iran relations. According to him, it is possible to deepen political, military and cultural relations by increasing scientific relations. Scientific diplomacy has an important place in 5-year action plan of Iran. He also mentioned that Georgia is a strategic area for Iran and thelatter has special relations with Georgia in South Caucasia which is coming from historicalpast and future potential. Deepening scientific relations with Georgia is also the interest ofIran. According to A. Jafar it is also necessary to equip the decision-makers with scientific knowledge which is possible by the scientific diplomacy. He also noted that Georgia is not using Iranian scientific experience and capabilities well. Iran would greatly appreciate to deepen cultural dialogue and relations with Georgia that is currently blocked by the United States. The cultural and historical interrelationships of Iran with the countries of the region, especially Central Asia and the Caucasus, have contributed to a deep link between nations, and these shared contributions have contributed to the development of Iranian studies and Persian literary places. However, Iran's geocalctic and geopolitical significance has caused Has been established in many countries of the world and prestigious educational institutions, Iranian-Iranian seats and Iranian culture to have a better understanding of Iran. In the meantime, Iran's and Georgia's religious, cultural and historical ties and ties have led to the consideration of Iranian literature and culture in Georgia, as well as the areas for promoting the promotion of the Persian language, the establishment of centers for Iranian studies and literature in Georgia But this process faces challenges, threats, opportunities and weaknesses that prevent the true impact of these centers on the cultural interactions between the two countries. To this end, the paper, with the presence o