مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /A New Insight into Several ...
عنوان A New Insight into Several Common Symbolic Figures and Badges in Sassanian Rock Reliefs and Stuccoes
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Sassanian; Stucco; Rock Reliefs; Symbolic Figures; Archaeological Studies
چکیده During the ancient times, Symbolic figures and badges in addition to decorative aspects indicated important issues about the culture, art, and even social structures of a government and country. During the Sassanian period (224 AD to 651 AD), symbolic figures further flourished with respect to the mixture of religion and policy; so that an examples of which can be seen in most of the remaining artworks from the Sassanian period. Investigation of symbolic figures and badges in the Sassanian rock reliefs and stuccos is a necessity that unfortunately, has not been independently and elaborately addressed to this date. In other words, it is necessary to investigate this significant issue using archaeological and historical evidence. Results of the present study, which is considered as a kind of fundamental research based on its objective and is a historical research with respect to its nature and methodology, obviously indicate that the dominant symbolic figures and badges existing in Sassanian rock reliefs and stuccos have religious origins; these figures, although represented in numerous and diverse vegetable and animal figures, each one as a symbol is considered represents one of Mazdaism god or goddess.
پژوهشگران یوسف دیناروند (نفر سوم)، سید رسول موسوی حاجی (نفر دوم)، هوشنگ رستمی (نفر اول)